Tennessee Williams admires the Pines in a letter to his friend Maria St. Just
"A few last golden days in the Key West studio! It is so lovely! A sky-light with delicate bamboo curtain, palms, banana trees and fern-like Australian pines through the windows in all four walls, a Japanese lantern over my head with glass-pendants that tinkle in the constant trade-winds, a silver ice-bucket, gin, and oranges for pauses in occupation. Wonderful sounds, the palms and banana trees make, like ladies running barefooted in silk skirts downstairs, a constant flickering of light and shadow, a table that's five feet long theatrical posters stuck all over the lemon yellow walls, my own bathroom, a comfortable little bed, driftwood, a fan that belonged to Hart Crane, shells, solitude, peace! I would be content to stay right here forever, but the Horse is restless, He is rather moody, I think he longs to parade along the Via Veneto with Mr. Moon in Prima Sera! And hear the admirers say, Che brutto cane! Ah, che brutto cane!
Five O'Clock Angel, 1953
From Letters of Tennessee Williams to Maria St. Just: 1948 -1982: Preface by Elia Kazan
Young students of Rick Worth at The Studios of Key West, showing off their interpretations of the Pines at Fort Zach
Sculpture Key West at Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park

Susan Sugar captures the Pines in her signature style - 2014
Montessori Students present their celebratory artwork in 2008
Rick worth creating a commemorative painting during our 6th annual pines picnic
Vivian Swift portrays the pines in a watercolor illustration from her book, Gardens of awe and folly, featuring a section on the Austrailian pines at fort zach. Get the book here.